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Top Injury Lawyers - 1.800.638.2776

Recreational Accidents

Each year, during summer holidays, vacationers, party seekers and recreational fun seekers stake out weekends and holidays for cookouts and pool parties. And all too often alcohol is involved. And, while many reports indicate that moderate drinking can actually be beneficial, it is important recognize the impact that alcohol can have upon our everyday activities.

We all understand the importance of not drinking and driving. However, even if you are not planning on driving anywhere, it is important to stop and consider that performing just about any activity under the influence of alcohol can impair your ability to function. Importantly, alcohol and hot weather can be a dangerous mix. The effects of alcohol include the following symptoms of reduced reaction time; aggression, diminished coordination, balance, and physical abilities; impaired attention and judgment; reduced inhibitions, increased risk taking and/or impaired vision including reduced depth perception.

Warm weather magnifies the effects of alcohol causing heat exhaustion or even heat stroke. Alcohol, which is a diuretic, promotes dehydration and interferes with your body’s ability to regulate its temperature. Alcohol and heat also dilate or expand your blood vessels, increasing the risk of passing out. Thus please understand that you need to be aware of the dangers in order to safeguard your family.


If you are the injured party, you may need a lawyer who can help you determine whether or not you have a strong claim. There are many factors that should be carefully considered within a legal framework, such as whether a person or business was liable or "at fault", whether you have suffered "damages", and whether the party who injured you has the ability to pay for your damages.

Your lawyer has the ability to recover money for you for lost time from work, medical bills, pain and suffering and other expenses associated with your injury. Many lawyers work on a contingency fee, meaning that they can recover money for damages; the legal fees paid would be a percentage of the money awarded, you pay no fee unless you receive compensation for your injuries.

By hiring a lawyer with many years of experience, you can ensure that all legal papers are filed before the applicable Limitation period expires. Also, your lawyer can educate you on the many different deadlines that must be met prior to the filing of your claim. If you miss a deadline, such as the expiry of a Limitation period, you may no longer be able to file a claim to collect money from your accident.

Whether you’re injured at work, in a car accident, or anywhere else, you deserve an appropriate settlement for your pain and suffering. If you have to take time off from work, your lawyer will ensure those wages are recovered. If you have lost family time, your lawyer will fight to see that you are fairly compensated for this loss. Regardless of the extent of your injury, your lawyer will fight to get you the best damage award possible.

Let our team of highly qualified legal attorneys guide you through any legal difficulties you may have.